There are usually a variety of extracurricular activities all year round on campus. Try to develop paragraphs in chronol

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小小草 管理员 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
Last weekend, I attended a party on campus that was organized by the student council. It was a great opportunity to unwind after a long week of classes and assignments. As I walked towards the venue, memories of my previous experiences at similar events came flooding back. I remembered attending my first campus party during my freshman year. It was a Halloween-themed party, and everyone was dressed up in costumes. I had gone as a vampire, complete with fake fangs and a cape. The music was loud, and the dance floor was packed with students. I had felt a little out of place at first, but soon found myself having a great time. Back to the present, I entered the party venue and was greeted by the sound of music and chatter. The theme for this party was "retro," and there were decorations from the 80s and 90s all around. I saw a group of students playing a game of Twister, while others were taking pictures at a photo booth. As I made my way to the refreshment table, I remembered another party I had attended during my sophomore year. It had been a winter wonderland-themed party, and there was a hot chocolate bar with all sorts of toppings. I had spent most of the night chatting with friends and sipping on hot chocolate. At the current party, I grabbed a cup of punch and joined a group of students who were playing a game of charades. We laughed and joked as we tried to guess each other's clues. It reminded me of a spring fling party I had attended during my junior year. There had been a carnival theme, with games like ring toss and balloon darts. I had won a stuffed animal at one of the booths and carried it around with me for the rest of the night. As the night went on, the music got louder, and more students hit the dance floor. I joined in, dancing to some of my favorite songs. I thought about how much I had grown since my freshman year, and how these campus parties had been a big part of my college experience. In conclusion, the party on campus was a great way to relax and have fun with friends. As I left the venue, I felt grateful for all the memories I had made at similar events over the years.
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