public int insertGetGoods(GetGoods getGoods);

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小小草 LV1 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
This code is likely part of a Java program that interacts with a database. The method "insertGetGoods" is being called on an object of some class, possibly a mapper or DAO (Data Access Object) class. This method takes in an object of type "GetGoods" as a parameter. The purpose of this method is to insert a new record into the database table that stores information about found items. The "GetGoods" object likely contains all the necessary information about the found item, such as its name, description, location, and date/time it was found. The return value of this method is an integer, which likely represents the number of rows affected by the insert operation. If the insert was successful, the return value should be 1. If there was an error or the insert failed for some reason, the return value may be 0 or a negative number. Overall, this code is likely used to add a new found item to the database.
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