a=['詹','肖','王'] b=['不败','劳模','废材','可以'] c=[] for x in a: for y in b: c.append(a+b) print(c)

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小小草 LV1 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
The output of the code will be an error because there is a syntax error in the last line. Instead of "a+b", it should be "x+y" to concatenate each element from list a with each element from list b. The corrected code is: a=['詹','肖','王'] b=['不败','劳模','废材','可以'] c=[] for x in a: for y in b: c.append(x+y) print(c) The output will be: ['詹不败', '詹劳模', '詹废材', '詹可以', '肖不败', '肖劳模', '肖废材', '肖可以', '王不败', '王劳模', '王废材', '王可以']
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