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小小草 LV1 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
李时珍(1518年-1593年),字东篱,号芝田,明代著名的医学家、药学家和博物学家。他出生于江苏省泰州市兴化市一个农民家庭,自幼聪明好学,十分喜欢读书。后来,他考入南京太学,开始接触医学和药学知识,并在此领域中取得了很高的成就。 李时珍曾经历过多次辗转流离的生活,但始终坚持不懈地研究医学和药学,最终完成了他的巨著《本草纲目》。这部书是中国古代药物学的一部权威著作,收录了当时已知的所有药物,对中药学的发展做出了重要贡献。 李时珍的生平充满传奇色彩,他的医学和药学成就被后人广泛认可和推崇,被誉为“东方药学之父”。 Li Shizhen (1518-1593) was a famous medical scientist, pharmacologist and naturalist in the Ming Dynasty. He was born in a peasant family in Xinghua City, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. He was intelligent and eager to learn since childhood, and loved reading. Later, he was admitted to the Nanjing Imperial Academy, where he began to learn about medicine and pharmacology, and achieved great success in this field. Li Shizhen experienced many hardships in his life, but he persisted in studying medicine and pharmacology, and finally completed his masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica". This book is an authoritative work on ancient Chinese pharmacology, which includes all known drugs at that time, and made important contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Li Shizhen's life is full of legendary stories. His achievements in medicine and pharmacology
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