
动态 未结 0 53
小小草 管理员 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
1. "Soil-Track Interaction: A Review of Modeling Approaches and Experimental Studies" by S. K. Singh, R. K. Pandey, and V. K. Gupta (2019) This article provides a comprehensive review of the various modeling approaches and experimental studies on soil-track interaction. The authors discuss the different types of soil-track interaction models, including analytical, numerical, and empirical models, and highlight their advantages and limitations. They also review the experimental studies conducted to investigate soil-track interaction, focusing on the measurement techniques used and the key findings. 2. "Numerical Simulation of Soil-Track Interaction Using Finite Element Method" by Y. Liu, X. Li, and H. Zhang (2018) This article presents a numerical simulation study of soil-track interaction using the finite element method. The authors develop a three-dimensional model of a track-soil system and simulate the interaction between the track and soil under different loading conditions. They analyze the stress and deformation distribution in the soil and track, and investigate the effects of different parameters, such as track geometry and soil properties, on the soil-track interaction behavior. 3. "Experimental Investigation of Soil-Track Interaction for Soft Soil Conditions" by M. A. Al-Mukhtar, A. A. Al-Taie, and A. A. Al-Saffar (2017) This article reports on an experimental investigation of soil-track interaction for soft soil conditions. The authors conduct laboratory tests using a small-scale track model and soft clay soil, and measure the vertical and horizontal forces acting on the track. They analyze the results and discuss the effect of different factors, such as track speed, soil moisture content, and track geometry, on the soil-track interaction behavior. 4. "A Study on the Effect of Soil Properties on Track Performance" by S. N. Singh, P. K. Jain, and A. K. Verma (2016) This article presents a study on the effect of soil properties on track performance. The authors conduct laboratory tests using a small-scale track model and different types of soil, including sandy soil, clayey soil, and mixed soil. They measure the vertical and horizontal forces acting on the track and analyze the results to determine the effect of soil properties on the soil-track interaction behavior. 5. "Investigation of Soil-Track Interaction Using Discrete Element Method" by S. K. Singh, R. K. Pandey, and V. K. Gupta (2015
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