The code looks fine to me. However, I would suggest making a few modifications:
1. Instead of setting the weights of `conv2` to be the same as `conv1`, you could define separate convolutional layers for each input. This would allow the model to learn different features from each input.
2. The `concatenate` function should have the `axis` parameter set to 2 instead of 1, since the inputs have shape `(batch_size, time_steps, features)`.
3. It might be a good idea to add some dropout or regularization to prevent overfitting.
Here's an updated version of the code with these modifications:
def LSTNet(trainX1, trainX2, trainY, config):
input1 = Input(shape=(trainX1.shape[1], trainX1.shape[2]))
conv1 = Conv1D(filters=48, kernel_size=6, strides=1, activation='relu')(input1)
gru1 = CuDNNGRU(64)(conv1)
attention1 = MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=8, key_dim=64)(gru1, gru1)
attention1 = LayerNormalization()(attention1 + gru1)
input2 = Input(shape=(trainX2.shape[1], trainX2.shape[2]))
conv2 = Conv1D(filters=48, kernel_size=6, strides=1, activation='relu')(input2)
gru2 = CuDNNGRU(64)(conv2)
output = concatenate([attention1, gru2], axis=2)
output = Dense(trainY.shape[1])(output)
# Highway network
highway_window = config.highway_window
z = Lambda(lambda k: k[:, -highway_window:, :])(input1)
z = Lambda(lambda k: K.permute_dimensions(k, (0, 2, 1)))(z)
z = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, highway_window * trainX1.shape[2])))(z)
z = Dense(trainY.shape[1])(z)
output = add([output, z])
output = Activation('sigmoid')(output)
model = Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=output)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
return model