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小小草 管理员 2023年9月23日 23:40 发表
1. "Personal Data and Antitrust: A Framework for Competition Analysis" (2021) by Dina Srinivasan and Maurice Stucke This paper argues that personal data is a critical input in the digital economy, and its collection and use can have significant anticompetitive effects. The authors propose a framework for analyzing the relationship between personal data and antitrust, which includes assessing market power, barriers to entry, and consumer harm. 2. "The Role of Personal Data in Antitrust Analysis" (2021) by Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke This article explores the role of personal data in antitrust analysis, focusing on the potential for data-driven exclusionary conduct and the need for competition authorities to consider the impact of data practices on consumer welfare. The authors argue that antitrust enforcement should be adapted to address the unique challenges posed by the digital economy. 3. "Antitrust and Privacy: Complementary or Conflicting Goals?" (2022) by Ioannis Lianos and Orla Lynskey This paper examines the relationship between antitrust and privacy, arguing that these two areas of law share common goals of promoting consumer welfare and protecting individual autonomy. The authors suggest that antitrust can play a role in addressing privacy concerns by promoting competition among firms with different data practices. 4. "Data-Driven Mergers and Antitrust Enforcement" (2022) by Fiona Scott Morton and Carl Shapiro This article discusses the challenges of antitrust enforcement in the context of data-driven mergers, where the value of the transaction may be based on access to personal data. The authors argue that competition authorities should take a more proactive approach to reviewing such mergers and consider the potential for harm to consumers. 5. "Privacy and Antitrust: A Comparative Analysis" (2023) by Michal Gal and Daniel Rubinfeld This paper compares the approaches to privacy and ant
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